How to Dismantle everything you build in Sons of the Forest?

The Dismantle feature in Sons of the Forest is essential as it allows players to deconstruct the built objects and equipment without striking or damaging them.

Sons of the Forest was one of the most awaited games of the year. It has already crossed over 2 million sales within two days of its early access release on Steam and has received much love from its players across the platform. It is the sequel to the 2017 game The Forest, with improved mechanics, threats, and many new weapons and equipment.

While there may be many reasons for players to Dismantle certain items in Sons of the Forest, this article will guide you through doing this for any object you might have built in-game.

Dismantle all unnecessary items in Sons of the Forest

Players may have different reasons to Dismantle, including shifting the base to a separate location during an adventure, placing an object in the wrong place, or requiring freeing up space.

There are several reasons to pull apart items in Sons of the Forest, and the process is as follows:

  • Go near the item that you have constructed.
  • Hold C or the button assigned to Dismantle the item.
  • The process can take apart various items constructed in the game, like campfires, tents, tables, chairs, and shelves. It is effective and efficient, allowing you to deconstruct these items quickly and easily.

    It is also important to note that all parts taken apart can be reused for future constructions. This aspect helps in saving valuable resources and ensuring minimal wastage of materials. The dismantling process is quite simple, making it a great choice for constructing in-game items.

    Striking and cutting items down will typically result in certain structures such as bridges collapsing, whereas dismantling will only impact the specific logs of wood to break down and create an empty space in the area.

    Methods to remove multiple items from an area

    The Dismantle option is a safe process to remove an item from an area and recover it in its original state, but the process is lengthy. There are two ways that you may destroy a structure or an object quickly without the need to manually remove the items.

    1) Planting a detonator

    Explosives such as the Timebomb and C4 brick can be crafted or found in the forest by searching for them in supplies. The item can be thrown into the structures to quickly bring them down. However, planting a detonator will result in everything blowing up and damaging the components in the structure, making the items unrecoverable.

    2) Destroying the base of a formation

    Buildings and tree houses can be brought down quickly by striking them in the base with weapons such as an axe. The collapsed structures will drop loot, such as logs, that can be used to build structures according to your choice.

    Sons of the Forest can be played as a part of the Steam early access. Although the game has not been released yet on consoles, it can be expected to release after the early access period.

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