Star: Eva Mendes doesnt trust Emma Stone & Ryan Goslings friendship


Here are some photos of Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone hard at work this summer on La La Land, their third film together, and the third film in which they play love interests. They’re trying to do the Hepburn & Tracy thing, I guess, or maybe producers just believe that they have a lot of chemistry together, which is true. But according to Star Magazine, Eva Mendes isn’t happy about Ryan and Emma’s close working relationship. Eva has trust issues and she believes Ryan will fool around, so she’s been guarding her man something fierce. But at the end of the day, Star’s sources claim, Eva knows that distrusting her man around Emma Stone isn’t healthy. So she’s considering leaving Ryan. Maybe.

Ryan Gosling has a history of romancing his leading ladies, so much so that Eva Mendes’ jealous streak comes out whenever Ryan signs on to a project. So when it was announced in Paril that Ryan would be reuniting with his “work wife” Emma Stone for the third time in ‘La La Land,’ Eva began to fear the worst.

“It doesn’t matter how many times Ryan tells Eva that he and Emma are just friends, she knows there’s an attraction there,” says a source close the actress. “Eva stops by the set and constantly calls Ryan to see what he’s up to. If she gets his voicemail, she’ll text and text until he gets back to her. Despite Ryan’s best efforts to soothe her suspicions, Eva remains unconvinced.

“The trust just isn’t there, and she thinks it’s time they went their separate ways,” says the pal.

Sources tell Star that Eva has begun to plan an exit strategy.

“Her number one priority is their daughter, Esmeralda. Eva wants to know what her options are, should she decide to end her relationship with Ryan. She’s consulted a lawyer about gaining primary custody of their baby girl, since Ryan’s always working. Eva doesn’t want a custody battle, but she knows Ryan won’t give Esmeralda up without a fight – so she wants to be prepared.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

I don’t believe the part about Eva leaving Ryan. I do believe the part about what Eva does to keep her eye on Ryan. She’s done it before – when he filmed in Thailand and seemed to be craving some distance from Eva, she followed him to Thailand, seemingly just to keep her eye on him. There have been stories about her bitching out Gosling Hey-Girls who get too close to him too. And hey, you never know – Ryan could really get off on Eva’s jealousy. That could totally be their dynamic and why they’ve managed to stick together for FOUR YEARS.



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, WENN.
