Initially encountered by players during the Battle of Hulaoguan Pass quest, Lu Bu is considered to be one of the most challenging main bosses in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. Considering that he rides a mighty steed, he can be somewhat tricky to defeat, and players must take him down in two different phases to win the fight and progress through the storyline.
Officially released on March 3, 2023, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is the latest addition to the Soulslike genre and is set in the Three Kingdoms-era of Ancient China. This game requires patience to beat every boss and can quickly become punishing to careless players.
Lu Bu returns to the arena in demonic form during the Lu Bu, Mightiest Among Men mission after being stabbed by the Taoist in Black, transforming him into a centaur-like beast. This boss fight is fairly difficult for most players as he uses a wide variety of new attacks and movesets.
Leveling up your character's Morale and weapons will help you easily defeat Lu Bu (Demon Form) in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
Players are recommended to reach Morale level 25 as well as equip and level up a stave before facing demonic Lu Bu to make the fight comparatively easier in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. Furthermore, he's weak against water spells, so players are recommended to keep them ready.
In addition to Lu Bu's attacks dealing massive amounts of damage in this form, he also boasts a sizeable health bar, which is why recruiting Hong Jing will help you distract him and deal some additional damage with an extra pair of hands.
It should be mentioned that the attacking pattern of this Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty boss will differ during each encounter.
Players interested in beating Lu Bu (Demon Form) in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty should follow these steps:
- Lu Bu will perform two weapon slashes following up with a slam. You must first parry these slashes and then attack him twice before he slams. At this point, he will fall back and will try to hit you with his foot. You can either take a step back or parry this attack as well.
- You must dodge the fireballs that are fired at you as this boss runs around the arena.
- He will follow up by jumping in the air and performing a slam attack. If you perfectly parry this, you should be able to kick him, creating a window for you to attack him with a 5-hit combo to make him vulnerable.
- Continue to hit and stab this boss to break his guard. This should take away 50% of his health, subsequently making him more aggressive. Doing so will provide you with another window of time to land three hits.
- The boss will then start running around the arena while dragging his weapon. He will swing the weapon at you as soon as he comes close. You must maintain a safe distance from him and dodge this attack.
- He will then shoot two fireballs, which you can either dodge or parry.
- Following this, the boss will perform a front leap and charge up his weapon. Parry this attack to perform another stab, bringing his health down to 20%.
- Hit him three times and wait for Hong Jing to inflict some additional damage. You can use some offensive water spells to further deplete his health during this window.
- Continue to dodge his attacks until he performs the leap attack. You can parry this and perform the final stab to end this boss fight.
As soon as he hits the 50% threshold on his health bar, Lu Bu's demon form in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty becomes a lot more aggressive and can deal additional damage. His damage output will increase even further when his health bar drops below 20%. As long as players keep track of his attacks and parry/dodge them in the pattern mentioned above, Lu Bu's demonic form can be defeated.
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